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гостиница HILTON PLAZA 5* deluxe Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: SCHOTTENRING 11, A-1010, VIENNA, AUSTRIA, Телефон: 43-1-31390110, Факс: 43-1-3139022009 Количество комнат: 272 Скидки детям: с 2 по 12 лет. Баров: 4 Банкетных залов: 6 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 20 km to the nearest airport: VIEU2 - NEXT TO HOTEL 5 km to the nearest station: VIENNA WEST STATION 1 minute walk to nearest bus stop. 3 km to the nearest fair site: MESSEZENTRUM Дополнительная информация LOCATION The hotel is conveniently located on the Schottenring, within the Ringstraase and walking distance from the Opera, St Stephen`s Cathedral and the majority of Vienna`s tourist sights and main shopping areas. ROOMS The rooms are very large and ultra modern with carefully selected pieces to fit the style of the hotel. The furniture is mosty modern with a few antique pieces. The bathrooms are extremely luxurious with gold and marble fittings. Both the rooms and the bathrooms are in very good condition. RESTAURANT The elegant and modern restaurant offers excellent first class cuisine. EXTERIOR The hotel is housed in one of the city`s elegant and imposing buildings. LOBBY The hotel has been renovated and restyled in an ultra modern way. The high tech lobby is approached via a steel, marble and glass entrance. There is also a modern and colourful bar with glass tables. GENERAL This is an unusual property offering a unique designer experience and excellent comforts in a central location. 01/03MP Бронирование туров и гостиниц .